The Legend of Coon Run Hollow: A Tale of Mystery, Searching and Discovering New Life in the Blue Ridge Mountains

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The Legend begins with a young mountain boy, Jim, from Asheville, NC, whose imagination is captivated by the whittling he observes each year at the annual Craftsman’s Fair. He does not realize that his fascination with one particular old man whittler will change his life in positive ways which are beyond his level of understanding at his young age and will be beyond his full comprehension when they reach their fulfillment in his adult years. He had always known of the folk legend of elusive Little People made of wood who appear and disappear at will. He had heard numerous stories about their playful antics and the impossibility of ever catching one of them, though many had tried. He is pleasantly surprised when he is chosen to be their special whittler to help bring them to life. As his relationship with the Little People grows and the mysteries of their way of life are revealed to him, he discovers a kinship that abounds with purpose, self-understanding, and satisfaction. The Legend of Coon Run Hollow reflects many years of seminary training, clinical training and practical people experience. Being a whittler in the Western North Carolina mountain tradition, through this motif the author explores common and critical life issues which all people of all ages have pondered. Even though no heavy theological language is used, young Jim’s journey to find a personal relationship with God is explored as his beliefs develop through Deism, to Theism, to Christianity. Major religious topics such as “calling,” “purpose in life,” “providence,” and “redemption” reflect the author’s understanding of the harmony of Biblical teachings on these often difficult topics with varied life experiences. In the final chapters, Jim finds his “meant to be” place with the Little People. Surprises await the reader upon every page as The Legend of Coon Run Hollow is revealed by the Little People themselves through their trusted friend, Jim. - from Amzon 
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